Natural Living

I began looking into essential oils a few years back. I have always been a candle hog and loved smells. I just recently gave away all my candles- OVER 2o!! I didn’t think about any health issues arising from inhaling all the scents or the harmful ingredients (not only for people but pets too!)

I am working toward a more natural life with less exposure to chemicals.

I worked in the vet field prior to real estate and poor dogs and cats are so exposed to chemicals. Pesticides! I am happy to say that we are using more natural alternatives to flea/tick preventions. This page I will add some of my favorite things I have done for removing chemicals in our home.  Bonus- I may have some samples at future Open Houses.

Thinking about a more natural life? Visit my link to find out more Amanda Harvey’s YoungLiving

Thieves Household Cleaner! 

This is my go-to. I clean counters, mop floors, clean pretty much everything. One bottle of the concentrate really last a long time. Add a cap full and dilute with water.

Thives Laundry Detergent

This laundry detergent is super concentrated. This means it takes less to wash your clothes- saving money!

Ant Spray Recipe